Our response letter to the Right Honorable Kit Malthouse
Our letter that was hand delivered to the prime minister on the 27th April which was forwarded to the Right Honorable Kit Malthouse.
The response from the Right Honorable Kit Malthouse to our letter that was handed in on the 27th April 2022
Our open response letter to the Right Honourable Kit Malthouse.
The start of our response letter is below to read all contents of our letter please click on the link below.
Please click on the link to read our full response letter to the Right Honourable Kit Malthouse. To access the document please sign into a gmail account.Click the link here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eQ1glqHEvBMFg1HKJnCC3vWdVPIqYzmPhXh39DuVwz8/edit?usp=sharing