We are all waiting anxiously for the Justice Seclect Committee’s Report and any recomendations that they make to the Government for change to the IPP sentence. But we all know that if there is no recommendation to resentence all IPP then anything less is hopeless. We have all lived in hopelessness since the IPP sentence came into forse in 2005 and this hopelessness torture and the misery that goes with it will only end if the IPP sentence ends. We dont know what the outcome of the report will be, and even if resentencong all IPP was recommended, will the government agree it’s the best way forward?
We are giving you the families and IPPs the heads up that there will be a protest in London in September shouting out for our IPPs. We have to keep the pressure on..
We will arrange a date soon for the Protest so please keep an eye out for our next blog